4-H Alberta Youth Advocacy
4-H Alberta Youth Advocacy Program, proudly supported by:
4-H Alberta’s Youth Advocacy Program, supported by AltaGas, is an enhanced and comprehensive program that addresses all aspects of social safety for youth. As a renowned youth organization, we understand that we must keep our young members safe, healthy, and happy and provide them with an environment where they are surrounded by trusted mentors who offer a nurturing, engaging, and inclusive space to learn and grow.
- Leaders Screening and Training Program
- 4-H Alberta completes approximately 1,000 volunteer and supporter screenings each year, reviews all (2,400) volunteers and (800) supporters annually to ensure there are no screening gaps
- 4-H Alberta completes approx. 1,200 training units for the Youth Safety Training, Youth Safety Refresher, and Commit to Kids
- Age-appropriate learning opportunities on cyber safety and awareness, as well as personal safety and wellbeing
- 4-H Alberta policies and procedures, i.e. Code of Conduct and Rule of Two
To achieve this objective, 4-H Alberta has partnered with AltaGas, who shares 4-H’s values around youth safety.
AltaGas cares deeply about youth in Alberta and understands the importance of youth safety in a large provincial organization with a growing number of members and volunteers/ supporters.
The 4-H Alberta training information can be accessed on the following 4-H Alberta pages: