Leader Awards & Trips

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Leader Travel Opportunities

Trip Chaperone and Program Facilitator Opportunities

4-H Alberta is extending an invitation to all 4-H Alberta Leaders & Volunteers to apply to chaperone and facilitate the upcoming trips or programs! If you or someone you know is interested, you can learn more and apply here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc_X7GQlv8EKezr_vwjFcYzh0U7p9Ke6xBXbBUs-RsZLVka2g/viewform?usp=sf_link

The deadline to apply is June 15th, 2024

Leader Awards

Agriculture and Forestry’s 4-H Hall of Fame

Alberta 4-H Hall of Fame Nomination Form click here
Deadline: September 1, 2021

Past 4-H Hall of Fame recipients gather at Leaders’ Conference 2019

Alberta Agriculture and Forestry is accepting nominations for the Alberta 4‑H Hall of Fame.

The Alberta 4-H Hall of Fame honours Albertans who have made exceptional contributions to the 4-H program in this province through outstanding leadership and/or have made significant impact on 4-H youth and/or leaders.

Who can be nominated?
Annually up to 2 nominees (individuals, couples or groups) will be selected to join the other Albertans who have been honoured since the Hall of Fame was initiated in 1971.

Nominees may have served the 4-H program in Alberta as a volunteer or as a professional. Responsibilities and impact on 4-H, as well as involvement in other community organizations and activities will be taken into consideration.

A selection committee will make a recommendation to the 4-H Section who will forward the choices to senior Government of Alberta officials. Alberta Agriculture and Forestry will make the official announcement of the inductee(s). Groups or individuals are invited to submit a nomination by 4:00 pm on September 1st. Late or incomplete nomination packages will not be considered by the Selection Committee.

To read the brief biographies of the individuals who have been inducted into the Alberta 4-H Hall of Fame click here.

Contact: Sherry Howey

4-H Canada National Volunteer Leader of the Year

Deadline: November 30, 2020

Volunteer leaders truly are the lifeblood of the 4-H program. With their support and guidance, 4-H’ers are given outstanding experiences and skill development opportunities to be responsible, caring and contributing individuals who affect positive change in the world around them.

4-H members show your appreciation and nominate YOUR leader for the National Volunteer Leader of the Year award! Applications for the National Volunteer Leader of the Year is open between September and November 30. Please visit National Volunteer Leader of the Year Award for more details.

Nomination Process:

Contact:  4‑H Canada

Norma Ansloos, Springbank Rawhides 4-H Club

National Volunteer Leader of the Year 2017

Caroline Boddy, Golden Prairie 4-H Club
National Volunteer Leader of the Year 2016

Leader Travel Opportunities

4-H Alberta offers various Leadership Development and Chaperone travel opportunities.  These opportunities give leaders the chance to travel nationally and internationally, meet fellow 4-H leaders and/or members, and expand their own leadership skills, knowledge and experience.  All leaders registered with 4-H Alberta are eligible to apply for these opportunities.

Trip Name



Trip Type

Application Deadline

Northern Alberta & Northwest Territories Camping and Agriculture Development Tour

Northern Alberta & NWT Jul or Aug 2020 Chaperone Jun 1

4-H & FFA livestock Judging Contest (N.I.L.E.)

Billings MT TBA 2020 Chaperone TBA

4-H Canada Members Fourm

Calgary AB Nov 4-8, 2020 Chaperone Jul 25

Western National Roundup Livestock Evaluation Contest

Denver CO TBA 2020 Chaperone TBA

4-H Canada Leadership Summit

Ottawa ON Feb 8-11, 2020 Leader Development Oct 15

4-H Canada Citizenship Congress

Ottawa, ON May 5-10, 2020 Chaperone Dec 1


How to Submit An Application

Read this document: Leader Opportunities Roles and Responsibilities

Download the appropriate application form (the travel opportunity description will indicate whether it is a Leadership Development or Chaperone opportunity):
Leadership Development Application Form  |  Chaperone Application Form

Complete the appropriate application form and submit or email as an attachment to Alesha Hill – alesha.hill@gov.ab.ca

Download this form: Leader Opportunities Reference Form

Send this form to two selected references.  Have them submit or email to Alesha Hill – alesha.hill@gov.ab.ca

Await confirmation that you have received the travel opportunity (within one month after the deadline date).

Only successful applicants will be contacted.

Contact:  Alesha Hill