Kubota #GrowStronger Challenge

Home / Kubota #GrowStronger Challenge

The #GrowStronger initiative was created by Kubota to encourage Canadians to grow their own food and connect with others doing the same. Kubota recognizes our 4-H Members’ passion for food security, sustainability, and community and is excited to offer this great social media challenge to 4-H Members across Canada!

4-H Alberta Horticulture, Sustainable Living, Outdoor Living, and Foods Members who register here will receive a short questionnaire to fill out and will be placed in a draw to win a gardening kit from Kubota to grow their very own garden this summer!

These gardening kits will include a

  • Branded Box
  • Variety of 13 seed packs to plant
  • T-shirt, hat & gardening gloves
  • Branded Garden markers
  • Stickers, colouring sheets
  • How-to guide
  • QR code to instructional video by Jacob Murray at Topsy Farms

Members will document their garden’s progress through posts on facebook, instagram, tiktok, and/or twitter using the hashtag #GrowStronger and tagging Kubota. Throughout the summer, progress prizes will be awarded and at the end of the summer there will be a Zoom awards night where Members can win awards such as:

  • Sustainability Award
  • MVG – Most Valuable Gardener
  • Best Meal Using Garden Food
  • Craziest Vegetable
  • Best Tik Tok Award
  • Social Media Guru
  • Best Garden

Kubota is running this challenge with 4-H Members across the country! Open to ALL Ages! Registration Deadline is May 9th, 2021.

If you have any questions please contact Programs Coordinator Madeleine Cline: madeleine.cline@4hab.com, 403 370 7337.

For more information about Kubota’s #GrowStronger Initiative, please visit https://kubota.ca/growstronger/en. Thank you, Kubota for this amazing opportunity for 4-H members in Alberta and across Canada!

More Details

No further details at this time.

Provincial Event Registration Policies

Registration is FREE and is open to all Members!