Author: Shane Guiltner (Shane Guiltner)

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COVID-19 Update – February 8, 2022

COVID-19 Update – February 8, 2022

4-H Alberta always follows AHS guidelines. Currently, 4-H has obtained two exemptions from AHS to support our members and community. The first is the inclusion into the “Youth and collegiate sport and recreation activities” exemption group. The second is the AHS Exemption Order 12-2021 and 14-2021 for 4-H Achievement Day events.

COVID-19 Update – January 1, 2022

COVID-19 Update – January 1, 2022

4-H Alberta always follows AHS guidelines. Currently, 4-H has obtained two exemptions from AHS to support our members and community. The first is the inclusion into the “Youth and collegiate sport and recreation activities” exemption group. The second is the AHS Exemption Order 12-2021 and 14-2021 for 4-H Achievement Day events.