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COVID-19 Update – September 17, 2021

COVID-19 Update – September 17, 2021

4-H Alberta always follows AHS guidelines. Currently, 4-H has obtained two exemptions from AHS to support our members and community. The first is the inclusion into the “Youth and collegiate sport and recreation activities” exemption group. The second is the AHS Exemption Order 12-2021 and 14-2021 for 4-H Achievement Day events.

The Kurt Kinnear Beard Fundraiser

The Kurt Kinnear Beard Fundraiser

Birdies for Kids (BFK) will match up to 50% of all Donations to 4-H Alberta. 4-H Alberta will receive 100% of all donations, which will go directly to supporting our youth programs. This opportunity also allows all monetary donations to be matched up to 50%, so your donation goes even further - it’s a win-win!

COVID-19 Update – May 5, 2021

COVID-19 Update – May 5, 2021

4-H Alberta always follows AHS guidelines. Currently, 4-H has obtained two exemptions from AHS to support our members and community. The first is the inclusion into the “Youth and collegiate sport and recreation activities” exemption group. The second is the AHS Exemption Order 12-2021 and 14-2021 for 4-H Achievement Day events.

New Marilyn Sharp 4-H Scholarship Offered by MEGlobal & Dow Canada for 2021

New Marilyn Sharp 4-H Scholarship Offered by MEGlobal & Dow Canada for 2021

4-H Alberta is proud to announce that the newly-established Marilyn Sharp 4-H Scholarship will be offered for the first time this Fall to deserving Members entering post-secondary studies. The scholarship is made possible by generous donations from MEGlobal and Dow Canada, in recognition of Marilyn’s long-time volunteer contributions as a member of their Community Advisory Panel.

COVID-19 Update – April 7, 2021

COVID-19 Update – April 7, 2021

On April 6th, the Alberta government announced that due to the rising number of hospitalizations and variants of concern, Alberta is returning to Step 1 of the AHS 'Path Forward" plan. Step 1 restrictions will remain in place until further notice.

Shaw Birdies for Kids

Shaw Birdies for Kids

Birdies for Kids (BFK) will match up to 50% of all Donations to 4-H Alberta. 4-H Alberta will receive 100% of all donations, which will go directly to supporting our youth programs. This opportunity also allows all monetary donations to be matched up to 50%, so your donation goes even further - it’s a win-win!