Arlene Good

Area Director, Calgary/South

Arlene Good is a lifelong agriculture enthusiast with a keen interest in youth development. She was raised with Angus and Dairy cattle and has strong roots in 4-H. Arlene ‘rejoined’ 4-H when her children started in the program. Since that time, she has been a general leader, sheep leader, judging leader, dairy leader, chair of local district council and chair of the Southern Alberta Regional Council. Additionally, Arlene was the first chair of the Sheep Advisory council and spearheaded the learning material development we have now. In 2019 she became the chair of the 4-H Alberta Sheep Show. All these roles have provided many memorable 4-H moments, memories, and relationships all of which she relishes. Some of which include accepting a Golden Clover award on behalf of the 4-H leaders and volunteers in 2017, chaperoning a group of Alberta Delegates to the Citizenship Congress in Ottawa, and seeing the mass of flocks entering the ring at the 4-H Alberta Sheep Show.

When not 4-Hing, Arlene collaborates with local Agricultural producers to help them achieve their financial and operational goals. She has been treasurer of her local church and a UFA delegate for the Brooks region. Arlene’s biggest joy is coaching and watching 4-H members and alumni grow and succeed in their chosen fields.

When Arlene is not at work or volunteering, she enjoys walking, hiking, camping and miscellaneous crafts.