4-H Alberta always follows AHS guidelines. Currently, 4-H has obtained two exemptions from AHS to support our members and community. The first is the inclusion into the “Youth and collegiate sport and recreation activities” exemption group. The second is the AHS Exemption Order 12-2021 and 14-2021 for 4-H Achievement Day events.
Upcoming Events
COVID-19 Update – January 1, 2022
4-H Alberta always follows AHS guidelines. Currently, 4-H has obtained two exemptions from AHS to support our members and community. The first is the inclusion into the “Youth and collegiate sport and recreation activities” exemption group. The second is the AHS Exemption Order 12-2021 and 14-2021 for 4-H Achievement Day events.
COVID-19 Update – September 20, 2021
4-H Alberta always follows AHS guidelines. Currently, 4-H has obtained two exemptions from AHS to support our members and community. The first is the inclusion into the “Youth and collegiate sport and recreation activities” exemption group. The second is the AHS Exemption Order 12-2021 and 14-2021 for 4-H Achievement Day events.
COVID-19 Update – September 17, 2021
4-H Alberta always follows AHS guidelines. Currently, 4-H has obtained two exemptions from AHS to support our members and community. The first is the inclusion into the “Youth and collegiate sport and recreation activities” exemption group. The second is the AHS Exemption Order 12-2021 and 14-2021 for 4-H Achievement Day events.
COVID-19 Update – May 5, 2021
4-H Alberta always follows AHS guidelines. Currently, 4-H has obtained two exemptions from AHS to support our members and community. The first is the inclusion into the “Youth and collegiate sport and recreation activities” exemption group. The second is the AHS Exemption Order 12-2021 and 14-2021 for 4-H Achievement Day events.
COVID-19 Update – April 7, 2021
On April 6th, the Alberta government announced that due to the rising number of hospitalizations and variants of concern, Alberta is returning to Step 1 of the AHS 'Path Forward" plan. Step 1 restrictions will remain in place until further notice.
COVID-19 Update – March 12, 2021
During the 4-H Alberta Town Hall on Tuesday, March 9, 2021, the Leadership team was asked about the use of community halls/centres for 4-H Club business meetings. 4-H Alberta reached out to AHS and received the following response: Community halls/centres are still closed but can open for the purposes stated under section 42.
COVID-19 Update – March 2, 2021
4-H Alberta's COVID-19 update relating to the inclusion of 4-H activities into the "Children's sport and performance activity" easement of restrictions. 4-H Alberta is using this new information to guide the re-introduction of in-person club activities for 4-H clubs in Alberta, based on AHS restrictions and 4-H Alberta’s guidelines. In combination with Alberta Health Services (AHS) guidelines, 4-H Alberta is providing guidelines and restrictions for club-level activities aimed at providing a safe environment for our youth.
COVID-19 Update – 4-H Now Included in Children’s Sport & Performance Easement of Restrictions
4-H Alberta's COVID-19 update relating to the inclusion of 4-H activities into the "Children's sport and performance activity" easement of restrictions. 4-H Alberta is using this new information to guide the re-introduction of in-person club activities for 4-H clubs in Alberta, based on AHS restrictions and 4-H Alberta’s guidelines. In combination with Alberta Health Services (AHS) guidelines, 4-H Alberta is providing guidelines and restrictions for club-level activities aimed at providing a safe environment for our youth.
COVID-19 Update – AHS Launches “Step 1” – What It Means for 4-H
4-H Alberta's COVID-19 update relating to AHS guidelines and new steps forward beginning February 8, 2021.