Youth Safety at 4-H in Canada

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Youth Safety Training for Leaders

“Youth Safety is an online workshop in partnership with 4-H Canada to ensure our leaders are familiar with the new Youth Safety at 4-H in Canada policies, and that they understand their role and specific responsibilities in delivering safe programming that meets youth industry best standards. ” A refresher course will need to be completed every 3 years to maintain Trained Leader eligibility.   

This is mandatory training that all trained leaders, Youth Advisory Committee (YAC), 4-H Alberta Board Members and staff must complete as part of their onboarding process. It is optional for additional club and event volunteers. For more information on who needs to be trained visit the Youth Safety at 4-H in Canada

To access the Youth Safety Training, click Youth Safety in Canada Training

Youth Safety certifications are added to profiles once a week. 

Have you completed Commit to Kids? If not, click here: Commit to Kids – 4-H Alberta 

Having trouble with this training or have any other questions? 


Youth Safety at 4-H in Canada Policy Manual

This policy manual ensures industry standards and best practices are in place across the network of 4-H organisations in Canada. In addition, provincial organisations have detailed procedures that outline how the policies are implemented, with clear steps for staff and leaders.

Our policy is available to families, leaders, and staff to ensure everyone has the same understanding of the commitment to youth safety.



Youth Safety Reporting

4-H Alberta considers the safety and well-being of 4-H youth members its top priority. Below you will find links to conveniently submit Activity Plan and Incident Report forms directly to 4-H Canada.

To submit an Activity Plan or Incident Report, please use the 4-H Canada Youth Safety Reporting System, click here, and select the appropriate form type.